Digital Marketing Case Study

Relicx Tests Tagline Messaging with Google Ads Experiments

Relicx provides a platform to automatically test your entire application based on real user paths to quickly find UX errors, debug broken flows, and measure the quality of your next release based on how customers will actually use your app. With a new product launching, Relicx needed to test various taglines and descriptions to see what would resonate best with potential customers. 

Firebrand developed a testing framework using Google Ads experiments based on historical data from ad accounts, client suggestions, and thorough messaging discussions to determine the most engaging ad copy that would then be adopted across the website and other marketing collateral. The details of these advertising experiments were first presented to the client, then launched as Google Search campaign experiments to collect data before their next board meeting.

Example of Relicx Google Ads experiment
Before and after charts showing positive improvement after google ads experiments

Key Results


Identified top 2 taglines to use throughout brand messaging and paid media campaigns as determined by click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate metrics


Determined broader messaging, and qualitative advertising copy for differing GTM strategies based on results from A/B testing ads


Improved post-experiment campaign CTR by 814% all-time


Increased conversion rate by 18% all-time for new campaign based on winning keywords, taglines, and descriptions determined from the experiments in Google Ads



Developed action plan outlining objectives, KPIs, testing vehicles, candidates, limitations and considerations, historical learnings, recommendations, and next steps


Conducted comprehensive keyword research combining previously high-performing keywords as well as targeting based on new direction


Established two highly optimized search campaigns for division between positioning initiatives, along with two Google Ads campaign experiments to A/B test various campaign elements


Presented thorough findings to client and launched new campaign structure based on test results

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