The Startup Marketing Podcast
FiredUp! is the show for marketers working in early and late-stage startups. Each week, we walk through fresh strategies and tactics to build brand and drive demand for your startup. Featuring interviews with marketing leaders, our take on the latest trends, and practical tips about PR, content marketing and growth marketing, we promise plenty of signal with some noisy fun along the way.

Latest Podcasts
Here are all the latest episodes chocked full of goodness – show notes, contact details for our guests and transcripts.
The State of Podcasting
With more and more B2B brands entering the podcasting space every day, you may be wondering what...
The Lost Art of B2B Product PR
Ten years ago, the world of B2B product PR looked very different than it does today. There has...
A Guide to Gated Assets
Gated assets are a great way to share your expertise, give your unique point of view, and offer...
How to Launch Your Startup from Stealth
In Q2, 2024, VCs pumped 3.9 Billion dollars into pre-seed, angel, and seed round companies. That’s...
The Role of Marketing in Driving Revenue with Christine Schaefer
Everything that people do in a for-profit company is done to drive revenue. More specifically,...
How to Work With Your VC’s Marketing Partner with Laura Spaventa Lewis
The relationship between startups and their venture capital partners can provide immense value...
How to Create Corporate Messaging
Messaging, in essence, is what we agree to say (or not to say) about a particular topic. But when...
How to Recruit a Marketing Team with Chris Jensen
As the economy rebounds and marketing teams prepare to open new positions, it’s essential for...
How to Improve Your Copywriting
Writing compelling copy is an art form that requires constant refinement. Too often, we fall prey...
How AI Can Power Personal Connections with Dave Sifry
In an era where our digital connections far outnumber face-to-face interactions, we struggle with...
Setting Up a Fractional CMO for Success with Jessica Zall
Startups often need strategic marketing leadership, but not necessarily the full-time commitment...
Lessons From a Year of Podcasting
FiredUp! has officially been in production for a full year! As we celebrate this milestone, our...
How to Avoid Burnout with Morgan McLintic
Burnout is a real struggle in the fast-paced world of startup marketing. It's that feeling of...
Announcing Funding in H2 2024
The startup funding landscape is constantly evolving, and in 2024, the rules of the game have...
Unlocking New Use Cases with Neha Bajwa
Most startups start fairly narrowly solving a particular niche problem. As they grow, the goal is...
Getting Started with Account-Based Marketing with Ajay Khanna
Often for an early-stage startup, big account-based marketing (ABM) platforms can be too complex,...
How to Take Your Startup to the Next Level with Michelle Denogean
Scaling a startup is no easy feat; what works to get a business off the ground often doesn’t...
Lead Scoring Challenges with Arman Khayyat
While lead scoring is a critical strategy that startup marketers use to prioritize their most...
Meet the Hosts

Morgan McLintic
Morgan is the founder of Firebrand and veteran startup marketing and PR guy. He literally has a bag of dumb questions on his desk which he will ask, so you don’t have to. He’s the one with the British accent.

Nicole Pytel
Nicole is Firebrand’s VP of Content Marketing and loves finding new ways to engage leads. This startup marketing pro used to be a sports reporter and news anchor, so expect a few curve balls.

Chris Ulbrich
As Firebrand’s head of media relations, Chris keeps a weather eye on breaking news and trends in tech coverage. With a background as a reporter and editor, he’s all about the story.

Ian Lipner
Wherever there is a crisis, Ian will be there. Not because he has bad luck, but because he’s great at fixing them. He’s also great at spotting trends, except in fashion. Bit of a blind spot there.